3 Years in Rome

It’s just about 3 years to the day that I moved to Rome people!

And what a ride it’s been!

In this short time, I have met so many amazing people, made genuine friendships and worked extremely hard to establish myself in a field I am passionate about.

Deciding to move to another country isn’t just something you wake up and decide.

In fact it took me years. It takes courage and even on the days where it’s not all ‘HeartRome‘, living here is a reminder of a life choice I made and took ownership of.


Living so far away from your family and friends never – ever – gets easier. But, I’ve said it here many times – living in Rome has been a life changing experience for me, which has made it all worthwhile.

It takes heart, patience and grit to live in a city like Rome and I am proud and protective of the life I have created here.

It’s been beyond rewarding to make this city my own and surprisingly, I still love it (almost 🙂 ) every day.


I’m not sure what tomorrow has in store for me here.. But I guess not knowing is all part of the fun really!

So, happy Rome anniversary to me!

And thank you, thank you again to each of you who follow this blog and my social media accounts.. HeartRome has become my life and it’s been such a pleasure and privilege sharing the journey with you all!

Signing off from Trastevere,
Baci Maria

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