HeartRome Radio coming to you live

A new era is dawning. A new and thrilling chapter for HeartRome. I’m talking radio. [...]

I Heart Rome: The Book

Today was a big day. No I mean, really big! I submitted the manuscript for [...]

Help HeartRome Win: 2016 Italy Magazine Blogger Awards

Another year has just about gone, but not without another round of the Italy Magazine [...]

Arrivederci Roma 2015

2015. Another year in Rome said and done for me. As I sat down to [...]


Arrivederci Roma for 2014

It’s hard leaving Rome. There I said it. It’s been over three years now and [...]

HeartRome Turns 3

Today on the 3rd anniversary of HeartRome, I smile, my heart is happy and I [...]

HeartRome takes on the world

If you asked me about 20 years ago what I wanted to be when I [...]