Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Rome. The eternal city. Breathtakingly beautiful with the infuriating ability to make you love it one minute and hate it the next… and then love it all over again.

As the famous old proverbs say: ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’, ‘When in Rome, do as Romans do’ or ‘All roads lead to Rome’.

And another I came across recently, that rings true, “For someone who has never seen Rome, it is hard to believe how beautiful life can be.”

Rome has long been on the lips of many a writer, ruler, philosopher and actor and here are some of the more famous quotes about the city that I’ve collated over a little while:

“I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” – Augustus

“I would rather be first in a village than second in Rome.” – Julius Caesar

“You will notice that in all disputes between Christians since the birth of the Church, Rome has always favored the doctrine which most completely subjugated the human mind and annihilated reason.” – Voltaire

“From the dome of St. Peter’s one can see every notable object in Rome… He can see a panorama that is varied, extensive, beautiful to the eye, and more illustrious in history than any other in Europe.” – Mark Twain

“Rome, old lady of the world, in the name of our glorious dead who gave their life to make wonderful days possible, we salute you!” – Benito Mussolini

“When I think back to those first couple of years in Rome, those endless rejections, without a glimmer of encouragement from anyone, all those failed screen tests, and yet I never let my desire slide away from me, my belief in myself and what I felt I could achieve.” – Sophia loren

“When falls the Colosseum, Rome shall fall; And when Rome falls – the World.” – Lord Byron

“Rome is like a book of fables, on every page you meet up with a prodigy. And at the same time we live in dream and reality.” – Hans Christian Andersen

“Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” – William Shakespeare

And of course, one of my all-time favourites…

“Each in its own way was unforgettable. It would be difficult to… Rome, by all means. Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live.” – Audrey Hepburn as Anya in Roman Holiday

Do you have any favourites that aren’t listed?

Signing off from Melbourne (but thinking of Rome always)

Baci, Maria


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