Happy 2771st Birthday Rome!

Founded on 21 April in 753 BC, today is Rome’s 2771st birthday. Known in Italian [...]

10 photos that keep me falling in love with Rome over & over again

I get so many comments and messages from friends and followers complimenting my photos of [...]

Caffe` Propaganda V 2.0

I always liked Caffe` Propaganda. Quite simply, it’s centrally located, cool and fun and has [...]

I Heart Rome: The Book

Today was a big day. No I mean, really big! I submitted the manuscript for [...]

10 things I learnt in Rome’s Jewish Ghetto (with MasterCard’s Priceless program)

I recently took a tour through what used to be the old Jewish ghetto of [...]


HeartRome Review: Why Zuma belongs in Rome

I was recently speaking to some New York colleagues about the opening of Zuma Restaurant [...]

HeartRome Review: Marzapane

With its designer tones and clean wooden lines, sitting inside Rome’s Marzapane restaurants, you could [...]


Brunching in style at Rome’s Hotel de Russie

There are 5 star hotels in Rome; even the ultimate in high-end luxury. Then there’s [...]


HeartRome Review: La Tavernaccia da Bruno in Trastevere

I’ll be the first to admit that Trastevere is packed full of tourist-trap restaurants. Places [...]


Visiting Rome’s Wedding Cake 

No it’s not really called the wedding cake. Or the typewriter for that matter. Rome’s [...]