Published firsts: Rome & Civitavecchia

As you all know I recently started writing for 10 Best, a subsidiary of USA Today travel.

I will publish the links to pieces that I’ve written so stay tuned.

My first article was a suggested itinerary for first time Rome visitors. I had a lot if fun putting this together and it got me thinking about my first visit to the eternal city which was around 12 years ago (and obviously had an indelible impact on me!)

Click here to read it:
Roman Holiday for First Timers

The second part of my assignment was to develop content on where to eat, where to shop and what to see in Civitavecchia – the port of Rome.

My research actually took me to this bustling seaside city a few weeks back and I have to say my favourite attraction is the lungomare ultram online 100mg (seafront) where as you walk out the port area you see this huge statue of sailor embracing and kissing a nurse – the famous image of the Times Square VJ Day kiss.


This was an important road trip for me because it was also the first time I’ve driven on a freeway in Italy. My roman friends actually let me take the wheel for a while and I drove from Civitavecchia to Fiumicino – around 60km. I’m looking forward to getting more practice in the new year!


Here are the links to each piece:

Civitavecchia: Where to eat

Civitavecchia: What to see

Civitavecchia: Where to shop


These are my first official published pieces and needless to say, I was very excited to see them go live! Thanks for reading everyone 🙂

Signing off from Trastevere,
Baci Maria

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